Blink {Macedon Ranges Newborn Photographer}

All for one and one for all
My brother and my friend
What fun we have
The time we share
Brothers ’til the end.
~Author Unknown

I remember countless people saying to me when I had my first son James – “Oh they grow so fast, enjoy it”. In my haze of tiredness I just thought – yeah, yeah – part of me couldn’t wait for him to get that bit older, to start sleeping longer at night to get back to a bit of normality. Then BLINK, they were right, it’s true – they DO grow fast.

I adore going into the house of a newborn baby – it’s chaos and calm all rolled into one. I feel honoured to be asked to capture such a special fleeting time in peoples lives especially in those first few weeks where everyone is getting to know each other.

So without further ado, meet baby Sullivan (Sully) and his beautiful family and proud big brothers. xx